SELECT Profiles.ID, Headline, Occupation, City, Sex, Sex2, ProfileType, NickName, Children, LookingAge, LookingFor, MerchantPrice, LEFT( DescriptionMe, 180 ) AS DescriptionMe, LEFT( DescriptionYou, 100 ) AS DescriptionYou, DateOfBirth, DateOfBirth2, Pic_0_addon, ExtraAddons, Sound FROM Profiles WHERE (status = ("Active") or (email_send=9 and status='Unconfirmed')) AND Country_ID=101AND (IF('both'='both' or 'both'='couple',1,Sex='both')) AND (IF('both'='couple',ProfileType='couple',ProfileType!='couple')) AND site_id=3 AND is_scamer not in (2) AND (status = ("Active") or (email_send=9 and status='Unconfirmed')) ORDER BY RAND(), Profiles.LastLoggedIn DESC LIMIT 0, 6
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